Climate Action

WNMC’s new Climate Crisis Action Group is an ad hoc group of interested people, focused on the climate change crisis and how we, as a congregation and individuals, respond in faithful, active, and meaningful ways. We hope to be catalysts for change, and are very much open for input and feedback.

There is reason to Hope! Action is possible! Learning is possible! What we do can make an important difference.

There is a role for:

  • Individual action
    • But one person’s action is minimal
    • Scott Morton Ninomiya: “Great place to start; terrible place to end”
  • Collective action (as a church)
    • Still not the right place to stop
  • Leadership
    • Exponential growth (peoples’ networks)
    • Choices that create broader action

To help focus our learning and action, the group ​has created a list of six action areas. Click on any of these links for ideas for learning and action that we believe the congregation (individually or collectively) could take as meaningful steps towards meeting climate change reduction goals:

Consumption Goods
Local Transportation
Carbon Offsets

Click for more background information about:

The Climate Crisis Action Group
The Call to Climate Action
The Science