Climate Action — Shelter

Issue Summary

We need shelter to keep us safe from the elements and warm throughout the cool winter months. Our choices about our homes and how we use them affect our carbon footprint.

Main contributors/problems

  • Home heating and cooling are energy intensive needs which result in greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Hot water heating, appliances, lighting, and electronics add to home energy usage.
  • Canadians typically live in large houses that need much energy to build, furnish, heat and maintain.

What can we do personally / congregationally?

  • Downsize or share a home. Congregationally we can consider sharing spaces with other churches.
  • Insulate, seal leaks, and upgrade to higher efficiency heating units.
  • Switch to electric heat pumps, which in Ontario can reduce heating CO2 emissions by 75%.
  • Use programmable thermostats and lower the average thermostat settings.

What is the end goal / solution?

  • Reduce/potentially eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels for home/church heating and cooling.
  • Live, work and worship in spaces that are fully utilized, sized properly for the need, and efficient.

Websites/Links for more information

WNMC Contact People/Resources regarding Shelter

  • AndrewS – Heat Pumps
  • DaveB – General home energy usage, comparing energy sources.