Scheduled News


Kandace Boos will be installed at St. Jacobs Mennonite Church on September 22, 2024 as pastor. Pray for Kandace and the congregation as they begin their ministry together. To share your words of encouragement and support with Kandace, you can reach her at

Please join us in praying for Sharon Schwartzentruber as she begins her role as MCEC Accountant. Pray that she is blessed with wisdom, discernment, and clarity as she takes on this important position.

Pray for Yoel Masyawong, MCEC Mission Associate, as he expands his ministry role to include the Regional Ministry Associate role. Pray that Yoel’s work be filled with grace and inspiration as he encourages and supports leaders across MCEC.

Pray for Marilyn Rudy-Froese, MCEC Church Leadership Minister, as she meets with St. Jacobs Mennonite Church on September 22, 2024 to install their new pastor and to bring the morning message. May her presence bring encouragement and inspiration to the congregation and support the successful transition and growth of their new pastor.

Pray for Fanosie Legesse, MCEC Intercultural Mission Minister, as he preaches at and worships with Community Mennonite Fellowship in Drayton on September 22, 2024. Pray that this time will be filled with encouragement, transformation and be filled with God’s presence.

Pray for Michel Monette, MCEC Catalyzer Minister, as he shares with Oromo Evangelical Church of Ottawa on September 22, 2024. Pray that their time together will energize the congregation in worship, discipleship and mission.

Pray for Norm Dyck, MCEC Mission Minister, as he speaks at the 5Q Leadership Summit in Dallas, TX during the week of September 23, 2024. Pray for him as he shares insights on the prize of shared leadership in the model of Jesus.

Mennonite Church Canada’s Joint Council (governing board) meets together in Winnipeg, MB, October 4-6. Pray for safe travels as council members travel from the five Regional Churches. Pray also for God’s presence to be felt and wisdom to be known in their discernment.

Pray for the gathering of Indigenous Relations and Climate Action working group leaders from the five regional churches of MC Canada, gathering in Pinawa, MB from Oct. 4-6.

Continue to pray for areas in the world who cry out for peace. Lord, hear our prayers.



Wendy Janzen, MCEC Eco-Minister, and Herb Sawatzky, pastor of Bethany Mennonite Church, invite you to join in a monthly prayer for our planet. Let’s come together to pray for our concerns around climate justice (ways that climate change has unequal impacts on marginalized and vulnerable populations, both human and more-than-human). Sign up for the Zoom link at

MCEC Pastors Fall Retreat – Meeting God in the Old Testament: Hearing the Advent Voices. Thursday, October 17, 2024, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Thamesford, ON. Join Zac Klassen and Tanya Dyck Steinmann for a transformative pastor retreat as we renew our faith, nourish our souls and equip ourselves for the sacred season of Advent. We will delve into the prophetic voices of the Old Testament, exploring their significance during Advent. Register at

MCEC Junior Youth Fall Event – Healthy Friendships – October 20, 2024, 1 – 5 p.m, UMEI Christian High School, Leamington, ON. What does it mean to be a good friend? What did Jesus teach us about how to have healthy friendships? Join us at UMEI in Leamington as we dig deeper into creating meaningful friendships! Register at

Mennonite Church Canada International Witness Sunday – October 27, 2024, Welcome to the Banquet Table: Sharing in God’s Global Feast. Congregations across Canada are invited to celebrate the relationships and gifts we have and share with our brother and sisters around the globe. Worship resources including prayers, music suggestions and sermon starters are available at

MCEC Palestine Israel Networking Group presents Challenge for the Church: Antisemitism, Saturday, November 2, 2024, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Waterloo North Mennonite Church, 100 Benjamin Rd, Waterloo. How has the Church been antisemitic in the past? How can the Church resist antisemitism today? Join us for a day that calls us to a deeper examination of Mennonite thought and action. We invite churches to join us for this workshop on antisemitism, as well as a companion event March 2025 Challenge for the Church: Islamophobia. Register at




AMBS [Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary] – News – current edition

CONSCIENCE CANADA Fall 2024 Newsletter

MCC Church Connections current edition

MDS [Mennonite Disaster Service] On the Level September edition




“I wish to express my gratitude to the Waterloo North Mennonite Church congregation for their ongoing support as we navigate the future together and seek opportunities to continue FPC’s legacy of outreach. Elaine Shantz, President & CEO
Here is a link to the FPC Annual Report which provides additional information.



A note of encouragement from Ann L. Schultz, MCEC Executive Team Leader, as we begin a new church and school year.  MCEC is a diverse community transformed by the love of God, inspired by the hope we find in Jesus and called to action by the power of the Holy Spirit.
“I was recently introduced to a quote by Rick Warren who said: “God specializes in giving people a fresh start.”  At the cusp of a new church and school year, I find this quote particularly insightful to me, following a summer of both joy and sadness.  As we enter this new church year, I am grateful for a God who invites us to enter new spaces and fresh starts.”  Read more



IMCC is excited about our upcoming Fall 2024 season and are still looking for a few more singers to join us!  Our rehearsals take place on Tuesday evenings at W-K United Mennonite Church for children in Grades 1 and up and provide an excellent music education experience while singing with friends.  Please contact: for information about how to register. Ian VanderBurgh, Administrator and Treasurer



…is excited to begin our 2024-25 season!  Menno Youth Ensemble encourages youth to expand their musical imaginations and build relationships by singing, playing instruments, and leading/performing together in a variety of settings.  We rehearse Wednesday evenings from 7-9pm at Stirling Avenue Mennonite Church.  For more information or to register, contact our co-directors: Joel Woods ( and Chloe Shantz (



Hello friends at Waterloo North MC, I wanted to reach out to ensure that you know how grateful I am.  You are a large part of the 200+ community members who came together to provide backpacks and essential school supplies for 740 children in your community!  That’s 740 children who returned to school today with everything they need to succeed, Thanks to you!  Here’s a special message from some of our Family Outreach staff, who came together to share their thanks in this short video.       With gratitude, Sarah Amoah (she/they) l  Fundraising Coordinator




10,000 STEPS FOR MENTAL HEALTH — Saturday, Sept. 21 — Shalom Counselling Services, 9 Avondale Ave. S., Waterloo  — Registration begins at 9 am  — Walk starts at 9:30 am. Participants will travel a route to the Iron Horse Trail, along the trail, and back to Shalom.  Join us and set your own goals, whether it’s taking 10,000 steps or 1,000 steps, or fundraising $10,000 or $100. Choose a goal that works for you and help us provide more affordable, accessible counselling services in the Waterloo Region.  Sign up on our website:  After the walk, there will be a community block party to celebrate our achievements.  Please come out and support local mental health resources.  Thank you for your continued support and prayers, Shalom Counselling Services



…is marked around the world on September 21, and this year the United Nations is encouraging that we all focus on cultivating a culture of peace.  For the past decade, the Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement at Conrad Grebel University College has organized and supported community events to mark this occasion.  Check out their online calendar to learn about the more than twenty events that will be taking place between the International Day of Peace and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation:

One of those events is the 10th anniversary celebration of the Centre for Peace Advancement, which will be held at Conrad Grebel on Saturday, September 21 from 3:00-6:00 pm.  You are all welcome to attend–please register at:



… at Stirling Tuesday September 24 6:30-7:30PM  Click here for POSTER



On Saturday October 5th, the MCC Material Resources warehouse in New Hamburg is opening its doors and welcoming visitors to an event for the whole family with games, snacks and hands-on activities for all ages.  The whole family can enjoy activities for kids, pack a kit or two and experience the joy of community service.  Admission is free, but we kindly ask for donations of large bath or laundry bars of soap (in original wrapping) to help fill our kits.  The event will take place between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at 65 Heritage Dr, New Hamburg.  We hope to see you there.  Further details on our website at



PiE’s Bible Trivia for Grownups fundraiser is back and in person again! Join us on Sunday, October 6th from 7:00-9:00 PM at WK United Mennonite Church to test out your knowledge of the end of the book of Daniel (Chapters 8-12)!

To participate: form a team of up to six member’s, sign up at, read the chapters in Daniel, and start asking family and friends if they would like to sponsor your team.  This year again, all donations will go to support PiE’s affirming ministry with the LGBTQ+ community.  For more information or questions contact

For those who may not be familiar with us: Pastors in Exile (PiE) is a progressive and affirming community-based ministry that seeks to empower young adults as they explore and deepen the spiritual meaning of their lives, world, work, and activism. Inspired by the Anabaptist Mennonite faith tradition, PiE brings together young adults from many denominations and spiritualities as well as those who are in a place of questioning their spiritual identity. The work of PiE includes facilitating groups, hosting retreats, providing pastoral care for young adults in our community, engaging in intergenerational dialogue, and supporting young adults to find a spiritual home. PiE is a registered charitable organization. If you have any more questions please connect with us on our website (  or at our email



Supporting someone who is dying or grieving starts with conversation and the right information. What if you could have all of your questions about death, dying and grief answered in a safe space? On Oct 19th you can get started.  Dying to Know is a one-day conference hosted in partnership by Hospice Waterloo Region and St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.  For more info and to register



Join us on Saturday, October 26th from 5-7pm and help send kids to camp with folk music, food, and friends!  All proceeds go towards supporting our Helping Hand Subsidy Program – providing subsidies for kids in need so that everyone can attend Willowgrove’s programs (including Fraser Lake Camp).  Tickets can be purchased at    See poster



First Mennonite Church invites you to a Fundraising Concert Event, Sunday, October 27th, 2:30 pm at Rockway Mennonite Collegiate.  Featuring the music of Menno Valley Sound and Rockway’s own, Better Than Nothing,  there is sure to be something for everyone!  Bonus: Cal Jutzi will add some Mini-Auction fun!  All are welcome.  Admission by donation. Proceeds support FMC’s Student Aid Program.  We’d love to see you there!



The Abner Martin Music Scholarship ($4,000 value last year) is awarded annually by Menno Singers to a student who:  1) will be enrolled in a full-time music major or minor program at the undergraduate or graduate level in 2024-2025);  2) is affiliated with an MCEC congregation; and  3) has demonstrated involvement and proficiency in musical activities in church and community.  Application deadline is October 30, 2024.  For more information and/or an application form contact The Abner Martin Scholarship Committee at

P.S. Menno Singers, a choir in Waterloo Region, was founded by Abner Martin in 1955.  The scholarship honours Abner’s contributions to Mennonite congregations, and to the wider community through the work of this choir.  More than 40 musical scholars have benefitted from this scholarship over the past 42 years.  Many of them have gone on to make major contributions to music in our churches, schools and communities.



Let’s participate in the annual white poppy campaign, as an opportunity to share what we know about preventing violence and war and building a culture of peace.  To order wallet cards &/or sample poppies, please contact Bruna (We appreciate donations to sustain our work but they are not necessary.)  For ideas on making your own poppies, go to: and for more information on the campaign, visit: Other sources for white poppies: &  Below is a short article with links to further information. Feel free to contact us at &/or contact the president of Conscience Canada, Jan: for more information.  Maybe we’ll see you at the upcoming World Beyond War conference! ->

White Poppies — Shifting the Focus Towards Nonviolence 

Facing a torrent of bad news, it can be easy to forget the power we have, to make real change.  In her 2012 TED talk, filmmaker Julia Bacha reminds us that simply “[paying] attention to nonviolence” is powerful; just as parents learn that the surest way to get your kid to throw tantrums is to pay attention to those tantrums, while failing to respond to more gentle expressions of need, similarly, when headlines focus on violence and abuse, the nonviolent efforts to bring positive change generally can’t compete.

The annual white poppy campaign, from the International Day of Peace (Sept. 21) till International Human Rights Day (Dec. 10), offers us an opportunity to shift the focus. We need to learn about the many historical examples of nonviolence and more current learning. (For starters, check out, and It’s exciting to learn about nonviolence as a personal transformational force as well from such wonderful people as Kazu Haga, Diana Oestreich, David Hartsough, Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows); stories of Indigenous survivors of residential schools as well as stories from the field of restorative justice can deepen our understanding of the power of nonviolence as well.  When people remark on our white poppies, we can share some of these examples.

We can also help free ourselves and our politicians from limited perspectives and ludicrous assertions. Recently, Canadian premiers were quoted urging the federal government to work towards increasing military spending to the target of 2% of GDP, citing their hope citizens would see this as a way to improve security and even as an “investment in trade”! Meanwhile, some of these same premiers object to a price on carbon pollution as unaffordable and offer zero ideas for how Canada might do its part to limit global heating to no more than the 1.5° C Paris target. Sadly, the UN’s 1970 target for wealthy nations to contribute 0.7% of GNI to overseas development aid seems like a long-forgotten dream, by now.

Yet it stands to reason that when a few billionaires have as much wealth as half the world’s population, when people lack clean water and healthy food while others are shopping for plastic goo-gaws that will end up in the garbage in short order, peace and security will be elusive.  David Swanson, co-founder of World Beyond War, points out that just 3% of what the US spends on its military each year could end starvation and 1% could provide clean drinking water for those in need. Yearly US military spending dwarfs what the half of the world’s population with the least wealth own. All that spending actually deprives not only the rest of the world of what it needs, but many of its own citizens are losing their homes because they can’t pay medical bills or rent. ( – David Swanson’s TEDx talk: “Why end war?”).

Using nonviolent means to work for needed change is not guaranteed to bring about short-term success. But clearly, investing in war actually undermines health and security. When we invest in working towards peace with justice, towards protecting life on earth, we invest in the kind of hope that gives our lives meaning – not the hope that everything will turn out alright, but the hope that comes from being our best selves and doing what we know is right.



You are invited to the beautiful Hidden Acres Camp on October 7th to explore the theme of Falling in Love with Creation – For God so loved the world. What does loving God’s good creation look like? What changes in us when we pay loving attention to creation? Come join us for a day of encouragement, reflection and good food. To register visit    Click here for more details



SLMC Fall Coffeehouse Fundraiser – Silver Lake Mennonite Camp is hosting a Coffeehouse Fundraiser on Sept. 28 from 7-9pm on the second floor of 50 Kent Ave, Kitchener. This will also be a sendoff for former Executive Director Karen Cornies. Visit for more information.

SLMC Work Weekend – Help Silver Lake close up camp at Fall Work Weekend on Saturday, Nov. 2. Come for the day or stay for the weekend. A family-friendly event with free, delicious meals cooked for you. Registration and more info at



Join us on Saturday, October 26th from 5-7pm and help send kids to camp with folk music, food, and friends!  All proceeds go towards supporting our Helping Hand Subsidy Program – providing subsidies for kids in need so that everyone can attend Willowgrove’s programs (including Fraser Lake Camp).  Tickets can be purchased at



This year’s Friendship Dinner, House of Friendship’s annual community gathering, puts the spotlight on critical Supportive and Affordable Housing programs!  THE JOURNEY HOME….  Home means a lot of things.  It means comfort, a safe place to turn to, or a shelter from the storms of life.  But what does home mean to someone who hasn’t known that comfort in years?  Or for someone who grew up in a home that wasn’t safe?  This year, attendees will hear from those who have taken this difficult, arduous journey – and find out how to walk alongside these neighbours, as they find their own journey home.  Join us this October to learn more about the impact of your support and be a part of a compassionate Waterloo Region, building a better future.  Date: Saturday, October 26, 2024.  Time: 5:00pm – 9:00 pm.  Details: Three course meal followed by inspiring participant stories and leadership remarks.  Location: Marshall Hall, Bingemans Conference Centre (425 Bingemans Centre Drive, Kitchener).  Tickets: Single Ticket $125, Table of Eight $875.  More info and tickets at



CIVILIZED: On Tuesday, September 24, 7 pm, Rockway Mennonite Collegiate will host a critically acclaimed TRC play called “Civilized” featuring a Metis actor.  This dramatic presentation explores how the Canadian Government failed to prevent the harm brought to Indigenous Peoples in Residential Schools.  Tickets are $15 with 15% of the box office going towards a donation to Kawenni:io/Gaweni:yo School located on the Six Nations of the Grand River Territory in Southern Ontario.  Visit for details and tickets.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS!  Rockway Mennonite Collegiate invites you to SAVE THE DATE and watch for information about: Connections Homecoming Night, Friday, October 18, 5-9:15 pm; Discover Rockway, Thursday, November 7, 7 pm; Annual General Meeting (online), Wednesday, November 20, 7:30 pm.



CommonWord Book Launch: Blessed are the Undone and Holiness Here – On Wednesday, September 25 at 7:00 PM, authors Angela Reitsma Bick and Karen Stiller discuss faith deconstruction and the mystery of holiness. Join in person at Marpeck Commons or watch the livestream at

CommonWord Book Launch: Transformative Moments in Chaplaincy – On Thursday, September 26 at 7:00 PM, Ken Kuhn, Interim Chair of the Justice and Corrections Committee of the Manitoba Multifaith Council, Bernie Mullins, Provincial Chaplain of Manitoba, and former prison chaplain and author Donald Stoesz discuss God at work through prison ministry. Join in person at Marpeck Commons or watch the livestream at



Toronto Youth Event –  Get ready for a fun evening filled with games, snacks, and a time to worship together, led by Grebel students, at Toronto Chinese Mennonite Church on Friday, October 4 from 7:00-9:30pm.  Ask your Youth Pastor to contact Grebel Student Services via email by Friday, September 20 to register your group.

“Leading the Church Through Conflict” is designed to help those in paid or unpaid church leadership roles think through the unique challenges of group dynamics within a faith community and how to best address and transform polarities that may arise.  Plan to join us October 1 – 4, 2024 each morning online for this valuable interdenominational learning opportunity led by Dr. Betty Pries.  Registration fee required.

Eby Lecture: Paint as Protest | Thursday, November 14, 7:30 PM. Reading socio-political experiences through graffiti and street art in conflict-affected societies. Through his field research, Dr. Eric Lepp will engage with graffiti as a spatial and temporal resource in societies undergoing social and political transformation.

Signs of Peace: A Retrospective of Peace Posters | July 2 – October 31, 2024 at the Grebel Gallery.  Featuring over 40 posters from organizations and initiatives connected to Grebel, this pop-up exhibit encourages viewers to reflect on the messaging and design work that goes into inspiring peace action.

September 26, 2024: The Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario, along with the Ontario Heritage Trust, will unveil a commemorative plaque to be placed at the site of the Montreal River Alternative Service Camp (just north of Sault Ste. Marie).  Canada’s Alternative Service program ran from 1941-1946, with over 10,000 participants, many of them Mennonite.  The unveiling will take place at Conrad Grebel University College at 4:00 pm.  Then on September 28, the plaque will be installed at the Montreal River site.  For more information, please visit the MHSO website at



MCC and local partners provide emergency assistance to affected families.  Your donations and prayers help bring critical support to these global neighbours.  To donate go to 


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