Children and Youth Sunday School
From September until May, for ages 2 through High School, Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
We use the Shine curriculum, except for the Senior Youth class.

Adult Education
From September until May, Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
We usually offer a large group session and a small study group option.

Let’s Play
Preschoolers and their caregivers meet Monday mornings from 9:45 a.m.- 11:15 a.m. during the school year. The morning consists of unstructured play time with various play centres and toys for the children. It also provides a social time for the caregivers over coffee and tea. A healthy snack is provided for the children. There is a song circle to end the morning. If you have preschoolers you are most welcome!

Soul Food
Soul Food is an exciting mid-week, experience for children and youth. It provides time for Bible study, recreation, worship preparation and fellowship in an inter-generational, camp-style setting.
Soul Food is based on the Logos format that develops learning, fun and trust with all generations. Soul Food meets Thursday evenings, 5:15-7:15 p.m. during the Fall and early Spring. Email the church office for this year’s dates and details.

Senior Connections
Weekly guest speakers and a time of fellowship. This group meets from 10-11:30 a.m. the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month throughout the year.

Care Groups
Care Groups at Waterloo North Mennonite Church exist for the purpose of fostering our relationship with God and for building supportive relationships within our church community. These are small groups (5-12 people) who determine their own meeting frequency, location and times. If you are interested in joining a care group, then please email our church office..

Mission and Service ministries
Our Mission and Service Committee oversees an array of various ministries, that include sponsoring refugees, expanded recycling, supporting a Witness Worker in the Philippians and numerous other assistance and outreach projects in different parts of the world. We are involved in local ministries that help low income people and new immigrants, and we often provide financial assistance for individuals on their ministry trips and those in need.

VBC (Vacation Bible Camp)
For those finished JK-Grade 6, the second week of July at Waterloo North Mennonite Church.
VBC is an ecumenical partnership between Knox Waterloo Presbyterian, Erb Street Mennonite, Stirling Avenue Mennonite and Waterloo North Mennonite churches.
2024 VACATION BIBLE CAMP will be July 8-12, 2024. Our theme is Seekers in Sneakers. VBC is a joint adventure with Knox Presbyterian, Stirling Avenue Mennonite, and Erb Street Mennonite. Click here for more info and to register.

Mentor Program
A ministry that connects youth in Grades 7-12 with adults to develop friendships and offer support.

Sunday Morning Childcare
Childcare is provided in a safe environment by caring and qualified volunteers for children up to 4 years of age in the Nursery Room. We offer childcare during the 10:45 a.m. worship service.

We have a large and vibrant youth group. Junior Youth (Grades 7-8) and Senior Youth (Grades 9-12) meet at least monthly during the school year. Each month, we usually have both a gathering time for games and fellowship and a bigger event, such as a hayride or a weekend retreat. Some events include both the junior and senior youth combined. Every other summer, we provide an out-of-town youth experience trip, which usually has a ministry emphasis. We strive to provide safe opportunities for the youth to bond and grow in a Christian community. Contact the church office to be put on the youth memo emailing list.

Ministry Team
Our Ministry Team consists of both staff (salaried) ministers and lay ministers. The primary ministry of the team is to provide pastoral care and nurture spiritual growth in our congregation. See “Contact” tab for list of names.

MCC Relief Sale – Sausage on a Bun Project
We have a booth at the relief sale selling sausage on a bun to raise money for MCC.
Our church covers the cost, so all sales go to charity.

Comforter Knotting
Make blankets for Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). Contact the office for details.