
A special thank you for your generosity and support of the missions and activities of Waterloo North during these uncertain times.

During this time when we cannot physically meet as a congregation, we are finding alternative methods for many activities.  We have received questions about ways to continue giving outside of a Sunday morning worship service and want to provide some alternatives for you.

There are four options listed in order of preference:

  1. Automatic fund transfer (AFT) – these can be set up for monthly giving and will automatically be withdrawn from your bank account.  Click here to get a Payor’s PAD Agreement Form.  And click here for Instructions on filling out the PAD Form.  Forms can be completed and emailed to  The monthly amounts can be changed or stopped at any time via email instructions.  In addition to the completed form, send a copy of a void cheque/direct deposit information for your bank account.  Note – joint bank accounts require both signatures.
  2. E-transfer to
  3. Credit card donation to CanadaHelps. Note – CanadaHelps keeps 4% of the amount donated to cover the credit card fees and their costs to process the donation.
  4. Cheques mailed to Waterloo North Mennonite Church, 100 Benjamin Road, Waterloo, ON, N2V 2J9