Climate Action — Travel

Issue Summary

Travelling long distanced for vacations, work or other causes has a large carbon impact.

13% of the average Ontarian’s greenhouse gas is produced by flying alone.

Main contributors/problems

Air travel is one of the fastest growing sources of GHG emissions.

Canadians have the highest carbon footprint from international travel of any country.

Climate impact from flying includes both CO2 from combustion and radiative effects from water vapour, particulate matter, and other products of combustion.

What can we do personally / congregationally?

Promote teleconferencing and web based meetings to help eliminate travel for work.

Consider vacationing closer to home, or take fewer, longer trips.

When travelling, research the lowest carbon options. If there are more than two people travelling, carpooling would have a lower carbon impact compared with flying.

When travelling, consider purchasing offsets to help reduce your carbon impact.

What is the end goal / solution?

Promoting technology that reduces carbon emissions related to travel or helps to reduce the need to travel.

Websites/Links for more information?

Website comparing different modes of transportation

Ontario specific article regarding air travel

WNMC Contact People/Resources regarding Travel

DaveB – General information.