COMMUNITY NEWS SUNDAY, February 16, 2025


Please pray for pastors attending the AMBS Pastors and Leaders Conference, Anabaptism at 500: Looking Back, Living Forward, February 17-20. Pray for safety in travel and for renewal through worship as a large group of MCEC pastors gather with others from across North America.

Pray for our siblings in Mennonite Church USA who are taking legal action that seeks to restore the rights of people of faith to gather, worship and serve without government interference. This is a call to prayer from Mennonite World Conference to our Anabaptist global family of faith.

In a world filled with chaos, war, and confusion, we pray for peace that transcends understanding. May God help us to be instruments of peace, sharing love and hope in every corner of the earth.



Ann L. Schultz Concludes Ministry as MCEC’s Intentional Interim Executive Team Leader

“We have an invitation to see possibilities in a future church that we have not yet imagined,” says Ann L. Schultz as she prepares to leave her role at MCEC. “It is an opportunity to think broadly, deeply and creatively about the church of today and the church of the future.” Throughout the last two years, Ann embraced this challenge, encouraging us to approach our purpose with boldness and vision.

Mennonite Church Eastern Canada expresses gratitude to Ann L. Schultz for her dedicated service as intentional interim executive team leader. From the outset, she expressed her love for people, her commitment to building strong teams, and her passion for advancing the mission, vision and values of the organization she serves. These principles have been evident throughout her leadership at MCEC.


MCEC Leadership Transition and Reorganization: Executive Council’s Vision for the Future

The Executive Council wants to take this opportunity to update MCEC’s 108 congregations and constituency on the structural reorganization that came into effect on January 1 2025. We understand that the reorganization has been a significant adjustment for some and may have felt sudden. In the summer of 2024, the Executive Council gave an ambitious mandate to Ann. This mandate was to envision and implement a reorganization that paid attention to the changing context of MCEC, our new financial realities, our changing demographics and needs, and to creatively think through a new way of carrying out the core work of MCEC before a new Executive Minister moved into the role in 2025.


MCEC is hosting the Mennonite Church Canada Gathering and Youth Gathering on July 2-5, 2025.

Read 1 Peter 4:10 and be reminded that EACH GIFT is a valuable part of the church. Join us for intercultural worship at the festival of gifts, inspiring messages, great discussions, a youth gathering, a young adult overnight at Hidden Acres and more. Registration opens on March 5! More information, including a schedule is at

The MC Canada Gathering 2025 will be held at Rockway Mennonite Collegiate, Kitchener. Volunteer Coordinators, Ashley Drudge and Gladys Bender are seeking volunteers of all ages, interested in welcoming and offering hospitality to MC Canada Gathering participants from across Canada. A variety of positions and time slots are available. For more information, please contact


Lenten Guided Prayer 2025, by the Mennonite Spiritual Directors of Eastern Canada

LGP is a contemplative prayer resource for individuals, small groups and congregations. It provides weekly prayer sheets, an invitation to share with others (in person or online) and opening and closing liturgies for the Lenten season. Click here for more information.


MCEC has a weekly devotional.

Released on every Wednesday on our website and through MCEC,  Connect, Transformed. Inspired. Called is a devotional series written by a different MCEC pastor each week. Sign up for our weekly newsletter MCEC Connect to get the weekly devotional directly to your inbox.



MCC  Thank You Letter



AN AGING BRAIN NEEDS A REGULAR TUNE-UP!  WNMC is hosting Fitness for Your Aging Brain, a unique program to stimulate brain function and memory.  This fun and educational class uses physical movement to stimulate cognitive function and improve balance, coordination, strength, and cardiovascular stamina all of which work together to create better cognitive capacity and resilience as you age.   Our winter session is taught by Jill Simpson, guest speaker at both the World’s Alzheimer’s 2024 Summit and the 2024 Reversing Alzheimer’s Summit.  At the end of a 60-minute body-brain workout, Jill shares the latest research in neuroscience and geriatrics and teaches you how to apply these discoveries to daily life so your body and your brain can be their best at every age.

    • The Winter 2024 Session begins Tuesday, February 11th, 2025, 10:30 to noon at Waterloo North Mennonite Church located at 100 Benjamin Road in Waterloo, near the St Jacob’s Market.
    • Want to learn more?  Here is the link to Jill’s YouTube channel, where you can try a free online class…
    • Cost for the 10-week winter series is $80 (20% discount for WNMC congregation members).  Drop-in is $10.00 plus a $3.00 equipment rental.  (Please note there are no discounts on drop-in fees).
    • Online registration form:
    • For questions, contact Jan Yordy at Waterloo Brain Connections   519-778-9727 or email her at



On Monday February 17th from 10am-3:30pm Hidden Acres is hosting a free Family Day Open House.  Bring your family for a day of indoor and outdoor activities such as crafts, sledding, snowshoeing, pretzel making, games, and more!  Bring a bag lunch or purchase a hot lunch for $6/person.  Please RSVP to  More information at



Rockway Mennonite Collegiate invites you to join us on the morning of Friday, February 14, 2025 for our special 80th Anniversary Chapel with guest speakers Ray Boehm ‘84 and Mary Groh ‘49. That evening, treat the people you love to a delicious Soup Supper at our Trips Week Fundraiser with family-friendly activities then stay to cheer on your favourite team at the Alumni Sports Challenge. Visit to RSVP, pre-purchase your soup and learn more about our celebrations!

Rockway Mennonite Collegiate invites you to their all-school musical, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Join us February 27 – March 1, 2025. Tickets are $20 adult, $15 child 12 and under and can be purchased at: If you are a Jr. Youth Leader, take advantage of our special pricing for youth and chaperones. Email for more information.



If you are in your 20s or 30s, you are invited to join Pastors in Exile for a fun and relaxing weekend in partnership with Silver Lake Mennonite Camp (SLMC).  The retreat runs from the evening of Friday, February 28th until the afternoon of Sunday, March 2nd.  This is a “choose your own adventure” weekend where you can participate in lots of outdoor and indoor winter camp activities or spend the weekend reading by the fire.  Registration and more information can be found at   If you have any questions, feel free to send PiE an email at



Saturday, March 8, 7:30pm (Trillium Lutheran Church, 22 William St, Waterloo): Menno Singers and Artistic Director Brandon Leis presents ‘Songs for the Changing Seasons’ with Abner Martin Scholarship winner, cellist Elliot Sloss from the Curtis Institute.  Tickets $25, Child/Student $5 at the door, from choir members or at    Click here for poster.



Registration is OPEN for Floradale’s March Break Kids Day happening on Thursday, March 13th!  Children ages JK to grade 5 can register.  Camp runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Floradale Mennonite Church.  Click here for more details.   Register at  We are still looking for volunteers for this exciting program.  Volunteers from grade 6 and up are welcome!



Seniors Retreat at Hidden Acres:  On April 14, 2025 seniors are invited to Hidden Acres for Exploring Beginnings: The New Testament and the Anabaptist Bible with guest speakers Alicia Batten and Mollee Moua. Cost is $55 and includes lunch. For more information or to register go to

Grandparent & Grandchild Day at Hidden Acres:  Looking for something to do with your grandkids during March Break? On Thursday March 13th join guest speaker Wanda Mann for a day of connecting with God through creativity and music. The theme for the day is GOD… GRAND’S… G’KIDS… Connecting the Dots.  Cost is $25/person and includes lunch. For more information or to register go to



PROMO DINNER: SAVE THE DATE.  Mark your calendar for the annual NHMRS promotion dinner on Monday, April 28 at Calvary United Church in St. Jacobs!  Delicious food and delightful entertainment are sure to build your anticipation for this year’s relief sale!



Mark your calendars for the MC Canada Gathering, July 2-5, 2025 here in Kitchener/Waterloo.  
This Gathering is shaping up to be an incredible experience with three unique avenues for engagement:

    • Congregational Gathering: Join delegates and congregational representatives for inspiring sessions, worship, and connection.
    • Youth Gathering: A vibrant, energetic event designed specifically for youth, hosted on the University of Waterloo campus.
    • U30 Young Adult Gathering: Engage with peers through tailored events, including a special post-Gathering celebration at Hidden Acres!



Summer Camp: Registration is now open for overnight camps and day camps!  Visit to have a look at the 2025 schedule and program descriptions.  We can’t wait to welcome your campers to Silver Lake this summer!

Winter and Spring Retreats registration now open. Go to for more info.  Coming up soon: Winter Camp for Grown-Ups (Feb 28-Mar 2) – This weekend is for 20 & 30 somethings who want to get away on a low-key, relaxing retreat.  This unscheduled weekend gives folks the chance to relax, enjoy the outdoors, play games, and/or make space for personal reflection. It is co-hosted by PiE (Pastors in Exile) and SLMC.  (also in March: Staff Alumni Retreat and Music Retreat)



Xplore – CMU’s Xplore extended education program investigates dimensions of the Christian faith, our world, and life in it. Join one or more in-person or online courses beginning February 18 in topics such as loneliness, Indigenous spirituality and Christian faith, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and more. Churches may consider hosting an Xplore watch party with people from the community. For more information and to register, visit

CMU Open House – Prospective students of all ages and their families are invited to drop in and take a campus tour, browse our information booths, and chat with our admissions team on Thursday, February 20 between 6:00–8:00 PM. Visit for more information.

CMU Discover Day – Join us for the full day or the afternoon of February 28 to discover what it is like to be a CMU student. Tour the CMU campus, attend a sample lecture, meet professors and current students, and have lunch and treats on us! For more information and to register, visit

Midwinter Together: An Evening of Food and Music for CMU alumni (2000-2024) on Friday, February 28 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Support student bursaries and reconnect with friends old and new. CMU faculty will host a banquet along the first floor of the castle building, followed by visiting and music in the Blaurock Café. Space is limited. For information and tickets visit

CMU Employment Opportunities – CMU invites inquiries and applications for a Finance Director (full-time, salaried with benefits) as well as other opportunities in Maintenance, Social Work, and Biology. Visit for details on these and other employment opportunities.



MCC and local partners provide emergency assistance to affected families.  Your donations and prayers help bring critical support to these global neighbours.  To donate go to