Truth and Reconciliation Action Group (TRAGroup)

Truth and Reconciliation Action Group (TRAG) of Waterloo North Mennonite Church

Within the broad work of “loving our neighbours,” the two-fold purpose of Waterloo North’s Truth and Reconciliation Action Group is to:

  • Initiate actions within the congregation and/or beyond that advocate for and support the implementation of the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report of June 2015.
  • Share information with the congregation related to historical injustice and calls for justice for Indigenous Peoples in Canada, including specifically the Haudenosaunee of the Six Nations of the Grand River

Understanding Our Six Nations Neighbours and Land

Some Further Suggested Resources:

Adult Sunday School Class Presentations 

Options of Financial Support
If you are feeling called to respond by making a financial donation, here are some suggested places to consider:

  1. Woodland Cultural Centre in Brantford, Ontario, serves to preserve, promote and strengthen Indigenous language, culture, art and history; bringing the story of the Hodinohsho:ni people of the Eastern Woodlands to life through innovative exhibitions and programs. Website.
  2. Crow Shield Lodge with locations in Baden and Kitchener, is built upon four pillars of Education, Healing, Reconciliation, and Land Stewardship. Website. 
  3. Mennonite Central Committee Indigenous Neighbours program strives to build respectful relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. Website.
  4. Mennonite Church Canada Indigenous Relations helps Mennonite communities grow in our awareness of host peoples and the realities of settler colonialism, and nurture justice-based friendships. Website.